
联系人:张经理 先生 (经理)







Pigs have to eat when they want to grow, so the health of the stomach and intestines has a great influence on the growth of pigs. The intestines and stomach of piglets are not complete, so it is easy to get sick. If there is a problem in the stomach and intestines, no matter whether the big pig or the pig will get sick. For some common gastrointestinal diseases, we can use some small folk prescription to solve them.
Pig flatulence: 10 cigarettes were used in 300mL water, forced orally or mixed feed, pigs were used up once and pigs were used in 2 times.
Pig dyspepsia: Dyspepsia caused poor appetite or less food, with 100 grams of grass, rice 30 grams, put into the iron pan fried black coke, and then mixed into the feed to feed the pig, 2 times a day, for 3 days.
Pork enteritis: 1 pieces of fresh garlic, peeled, mashed, and 2 liquor, soaked in sealed containers. Take out 6 hours later. Pigs weighing 25 kg or less take 1~5 milliliters, 25~50 kilograms of Chinese pigs take 5~10 milliliters, and 50 kilograms of pigs take 20 milliliters. 2 times daily.
The pig's intestines and stomach are good, the food will be more joyous, the ability to absorb nutrition is stronger, the feed conversion rate will also be improved accordingly, so the stomach and stomach disease can not be ignored even if it is a small disease.
山东福和特种养殖场养殖品种:巴马香猪、藏香猪,结合广西特色养殖方式,包括巴马香猪种猪以及商品猪,遵循“品质*一,合作致富”的香猪文化。 山东福和特种养殖场坚


联系人:张经理 先生 (经理)
电 话:15092777938
传 真:17076094940
手 机:15621899157
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地 址:中国山东嘉祥县山东省济宁市嘉祥县黄垓乡
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