
联系人:赖 女士 (咨询顾问)




The Advantages of HK Company



The Advantages of HK Company
1. Choice of company name is flexible. Company name may indicate district, country, and type of trades.
2. Nature of trading is unrestricted, such as Finance, Import & Export, Medical, Publishing, Web, Trading, Docks and etc.
3. Dormant company is allowed.
4. Capital issued is not needed to be paid up when not in use.
5. Use of Hong Kong company to register a Foreign Investment Company in China.
6. Use of Hong Kong as platform to explore worldwide market.
7. Low tax rate. Tax on source of income arising in and deriving from H.K.
8. May enjoy SME benefit from Hong Kong Government SAR.
9. Establish brand name, upgrading international image of your company.
10. Use of H.K. Company to apply for trademark in China to protect your products


联系人:赖 女士 (咨询顾问)
电 话:020-38888985
传 真:020-38888990
手 机:18926120863
Q Q:
地 址:中国广东广州市天河区天河路490号壬丰大厦东厅3305室
邮 编:51000
网 址:加入收藏)